Live stations
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About the station
The weather station uses a solar-powered Davis VantagePro2 integrated sensor suite mounted on an 8' pole in the back field. It includes a fan-aspirated radiation shield.
In addition, there is an extra Davis temperature station, which samples the water temperature at the bottom of our pond — useful to check for stressful conditions for the rainbow trout.
Both sensors transmit their data wirelessly to a Davis WeatherEnvoy receiver, which is plugged into a USB port of a fit-PC Slim, running Ubuntu V8.10. The data are collected using 'weewx', a software system I wrote in Python, and then submitted to the WeatherUnderground as station KORHOODR3, as well as being used to update a special weather page, using ftp pushes from the server every five minutes.
Weewx source code is available on GitHub.
I also wrote a Python script wunderfixer to fix the problem of missing data on the Weather Underground. It works for both weewx and wview, a weather system I used earlier.